“Boots Aligned”for the 68K+ Delaware Veterans

Approximately 1 out of every 14 residents in Delaware are Veterans.

An additional 35,000 Delawareans are estimated to be dependents of Veterans.

To Register,

fill out the info below:

Initiatives for 2025

Legislative Session:

HB 1 DE Cabinet Level Secretary of Veteran Affairs

Veterans DESERVE a seat at the table where decisions about Veterans benefits EARNED through service to our nation are made. The Cabinet Secretary will make that happen.

This Act establishes a new state-level Department of Veterans Affairs led by a cabinet-level Secretary to advocate for and administer programs relating to veterans in the State of Delaware. It is the intent of this legislation that current staff of the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and the Office of Veterans Affairs will continue their work, but as part of the new Department of Veterans Affairs, with the potential for expanded staff and duties in accordance with annual appropriations. Employees of the Department in supervisory positions are required to be veterans. For non-supervisory and casual/seasonal positions, non-veterans may be hired when a qualified veteran is not available. The Commission of Veterans Affairs will continue in its current form. It will continue to oversee the Delaware Veterans Home and will serve in an advisory role to the new Secretary and Department on other matters relating to veterans. The Department will assume the assets, liabilities, and contracts of the Commission on the Act’s effective date. The new Department is tasked with developing and proposing strategies for the provision of alternative elder care or the establishment of one or more additional veterans homes to serve the aging veteran population.

Status Update: Introduced 19 December 24


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HB 31 "Claims Shark" Act

Claim Sharks take money from Veterans by charging Veterans for services they can get for free. They operate illegally and outside the accreditation system of the VA. Claim Sharks cannot get accredited because of the way they do business. We can do better. Protect our Vets from these vipers.  

This act regulates persons who receive compensation for advising or assisting with veterans' benefits earned by serving our nation in the military. This bill would not prohibit persons or business entities from receiving compensation for advice to Veterans that is unrelated to veteran claims or services available to veterans from the V.A. or its accredited agencies. Investment, insurance, banking, and other advice or services not provided by the V.A., or its accredited agencies may be obtained by veterans and fees charged for such services.

Status: Introduced 19 December 2024


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Veteran Service Officers (VSOs)

We need more VSOs to help Veterans and their families, period.  Make this a priority.

An accredited Veterans Service Officer (VSO) can help you gather evidence, file a claim, or request a decision review. They can also communicate with VA on your behalf.

Accredited VSOs provide free services for Veterans and their families. They have completed training and passed tests about VA claims and decision reviews.

Accredited VSOs work for Veterans Service Organizations, like the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Veteran Pension Exemption

Of the 41 states with a state income tax, 27 states fully exempt military retirement pay from state income taxes and 12 states partially exempt military retirement pay.

Every day should be Veterans Day! That said, let's gain parity with other states and increase the Veterans pension tax exemption. It is the right thing to do, and will attract more highly skilled Veterans to live, work, and raise families in Delaware.

Veterans Home in Milford

Mandate increasing funding to care for our Veterans. We must fully fund ourVeterans Home, period. It is our moral obligation to do so.

The Delaware Veterans Home, established in 2007, is a long-term care facility located on 24 acres in Milford, Delaware. The Home offers skilled nursing care on four units with a total of 150 beds.

Delaware Veterans Home Milford

100 Delaware Veterans Blvd, Milford, DE 19963, Phone 302 424 6000

2024 Summer Conference

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Veteran Directed Care

Advocate to support enhancements in the Federally Mandated Program to ensure our veterans can remain in the comfort of their home if they can at a much more affordable cost to all.

Veteran-Directed Care gives Veterans of all ages the opportunity to receive the Home and Community Services they need in a consumer-directed way.

Veteran-Directed Care is for Veterans who need assistance with activities of daily living (e.g., bathing and getting dressed) or instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., fixing meals); are isolated, or their caregiver is experiencing burden.

Veterans in this program are given a flexible budget for services that can be managed by the Veteran or the family caregiver. Veteran-Directed Care can be used to help Veterans continue to live at home or in their community.

Home of the Brave

The mission of the Home of the Brave is to reduce homelessness among our Military Veteran population. In addition to providing transitional housing, food and security, we assist with employment, counseling services, access to healthcare, transportation and locating affordable housing. It is our goal to help our veterans successfully transition into permanent housing and personal independence.

6632 Sharps Rd, Milford, DE 19963, Phone: 1 302 424 1681

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  • Bus Transportation: We want maximum participation at this Rally! Although we plan to have bus transportation from American Legion Post 28 (Millsboro), we need to verify if any other organizations may be supplying a bus. If so, please contact Skip Wingo at [email protected] with your location and contact person.

  • If you need to ride the bus from Post 28 in Millsboro, please let us know ASAP. Send a message to Skip Wingo at [email protected]

  • If it looks like rain... we still will continue with the Rally!

  • Be sure to stop at the check-in table for your nametag and lunch ticket, for the time you selected on your registration.

  • Caucus members will be available to visit until 1330.

  • The ceremony on the Floor of the House begins at 1400.

  • Interested veterans can watch from the balcony seating on the 2nd floor.

  • After the House, we will proceed to the Floor of the Senate, where Senator Lawson will be leading the proceedings.

  • Interested veterans can watch from the balcony seating on the 2nd floor.

  • After both ceremonies have concluded, all Veterans are asked to gather for a photo on the Grand Staircase..

What can you do to help?

The Uniform may have been taken off, but service still continues

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing

because he could do only a little." EDMUND BURKE

  • do this 1

  • do this 2

  • do this 3

  • do this 4

  • do this 5

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have directions on how to get there?

The address is 411 Legislative Hall in Dover.

Visitors to the Capitol must use the west door.

Here's a link to get directions: https://bit.ly/3TbmnV4


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Where do I park?

Parking is available in the Delaware Public Archives, the Tatnall Building, and the Del-One Federal Credit Union lots.

Parking is limited on session days. 

Where do I meet up with the group to check-in?

Required check-in is located at the Tatnall Building, across the street from the south doors of Legislative Hall.

After check in, attendees will arrive at Tatnall Building. Lunch will be held in Rooms 112 and 113 (which room) in the Tatnall building, after the security checkpoint their designated time.

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Where is the handicapped entrance?

Handicapped parking and handicapped access are located on the east side of the building.


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What time should I schedule my meeting and/or a Group meetings with Representatives and/or Senators?

Advise making GROUP appointments with local Representatives and Senators in their office inside Leg Hall no later than 1330.

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What should I wear?

Wear anything that identifies you as a veteran, such as military colors, hats, shirts, and/or anything that will identify you as a veteran.

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What will we be doing at the Rally?

Lunch at your designated time.

Some participants may have scheduled meetings with their Senators and/or Representatives.

There will be tributes in both the House and Senate. It is encouraged to watch the presentations in galleries.

A brief talk from the American Legion National Commander.

Photo on grand staircase immediately after Tributes.

Dismissed around 1500.

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What if it rains?

Let's hope that there's no Spring Showers, but if there is, the rally will still go on!

I need more info...who should I contact?

You can send an email to [email protected]

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have directions on how to get there?

The address is 411 Legislative Hall in Dover.

Visitors to the Capitol must use the west door.

Here's a link to get directions: https://bit.ly/3TbmnV4


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Where do I park?

Parking is available in the Delaware Public Archives, the Tatnall Building, and the Del-One Federal Credit Union lots.

Parking is limited on session days. 

Where do I meet up with the group to check-in?

Required check-in is located at the Tatnall Building, across the street from the south doors of Legislative Hall.

After check in, attendees will arrive at Tatnall Building. Lunch will be held in Rooms 112 and 113 (which room) in the Tatnall building, after the security checkpoint their designated time.

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Where is the handicapped entrance?

Handicapped parking and handicapped access are located on the east side of the building.


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What time should I schedule my meeting and/or a Group meetings with Representatives and/or Senators?

Advise making GROUP appointments with local Representatives and Senators in their office inside Leg Hall no later than 1330.

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What should I wear?

Wear anything that identifies you as a veteran, such as military colors, hats, shirts, and/or anything that will identify you as a veteran.

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What will we be doing at the Rally?

Lunch at your designated time.

Some participants may have scheduled meetings with their Senators and/or Representatives.

There will be tributes in both the House and Senate. It is encouraged to watch the presentations in galleries.

A brief talk from the American Legion National Commander.

Photo on grand staircase immediately after Tributes.

Dismissed around 1500.

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What if it rains?

Let's hope that there's no Spring Showers, but if there is, the rally will still go on!

I need more info...who should I contact?

You can send an email to [email protected]

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